Can You Fix a Chipped Windshield Yourself?

Chips in your windshield can be more than a nuisance while driving. These small cracks or chips may not seem like a major issue, but they can become much larger over time. In some areas, it is illegal to drive a car with a cracked windshield, so it is important to get this problem taken care of as soon as possible to avoid further damage or any issues with the law.

Although it is not recommended to try to repair a chip or crack in your windshield that is larger than three inches in length, if the chip is smaller, such as the size of a quarter, it is possible to save yourself some time and money by doing the repairs yourself by using a DIY kit.

How to Choose a DIY Kit For Your Windshield Repair

When it comes to choosing a repair kit for your chipped windshield, there are several options out there for you to consider. You should compare the kits from different brands to find the best option that suits your needs. The kits are very similar; however, you can compare the overall quality of the kit by looking at the cost, expiration date, curing steps, and the chip size the kit is designed to fix.

If you purchase a kit that contains epoxy, keep in mind that it has an expiration date. So, you will want to use a kit that isn’t very old to ensure a strong adhesion. You should use a kit that has an expiration date of at least six months from the date of use.

While most DIY windshield repair kits are designed to be simple to use, some have complex curing steps to follow or may require the use of tools that are not included. Some may be designed for outdoor use only, so you do not want to repair your windshield inside your garage if that is the case.

How to Fix a Cracked or Chipped Windshield Using a DIY Kit

Generally, most DIY kits for chipped windshields will require you to clean the area that needs to be repaired first. You will want to remove any dirt that could cause imperfections in your glass. Once the area is clean, you’ll apply the patch and the pedestal. You’ll need to take the paper back off the patch, line it up with the crack or chip on the exterior of the windshield, and use the plastic pedestal to help with the application.

Finally, if the kit includes an epoxy resin solution, you will use a syringe to place it into the pedestal to help seal the crack. Then, use the included curing strip that comes with most kits as the final layer.

Remember, while these DIY kits are simple and easy to use on smaller cracks and chips in your windshield, it is advised that you should take your car to a professional if the chip is any larger than the size of a quarter to avoid causing any additional damage.

Pros and Cons of Fixing Your Car with a Recall

Car manufacturers often do their best to ensure their cars meet the safety regulations and standards their customers desire. Despite their efforts, there are still instances where your vehicle might have to be recalled for repairs. Here are some pros and cons of fixing your car with a recall.

Pros of Participating in the Recall

Address Safety Concerns

Your call will be recalled if the manufacturer thinks you and your vehicle might be at risk. Your car will need to be fixed to address the potential risks that have been identified. The good thing is that car recalls are often under the purview of government regulatory bodies. You can rest assured that all the major safety issues with the vehicle will be addressed carefully.

Manufacturers Cover the Repair Costs

Typically, manufacturers cover the repair costs incurred while fixing your vehicle. Whether small or large, you won’t have to break the bank to cover the costs of repairing brakes, airbags, tires, electrical components, and the engine. However, the costs don’t include radios, air conditioners, or wear and tear.

Legal Compliance

Car recalls are also essential to ensuring your car complies with the set legal standards and regulations. So, besides ensuring you’re safe on the road, fixing your car with a recall guarantees that it meets the required local or international legal standards.

Protects Your Car’s Warranty

Fixing your car with a recall also offers the advantage of ensuring it protects your warranty. Your manufacturer might renew or extend your warranty if it recalls your vehicle. However, this depends on the issues that need to be addressed. Ensure you confirm your warranty with your manufacturer when your car is recalled.

Doesn’t Affect the Resale Value

Car recalls have a positive impact on your vehicle’s resale value. Potential buyers would want to settle for a vehicle with a clean recall history. This is important to consider if you plan to resell your car.


Potential Delays and Inconvenience

Car recalls are a huge inconvenience, especially if you must leave your vehicle with the manufacturer for an extended period. It can even be worse if your car requires specific replacement parts. This might cause further delays in getting your car fixed.

Poor Communication from the Manufacturer

It’s frustrating when you have to call the manufacturer often, asking when your car will get fixed. Similarly, the manufacturer might fail to communicate effectively about cars needing recall. You might miss out on important upgrades or safety fixes that your car requires.

Potential for Additional Repairs

Car recalls might also reveal additional repairs that your vehicle requires. You may incur unwanted costs since your manufacturer doesn’t cover such costs.

Generally, car recalls are often done for a good reason. Car manufacturers have the best interest, and, unfortunately, you might be inconvenienced, especially if you use your car regularly. Remember that car recalls are designed to keep you safe regardless of the cons discussed.

Groundhog’s Day and Cars?

Here is a draft blog post on the 5 things that most often break on a car repeatedly:In honor of Groundhog’s day the movie we’ve colaborated with our experts to make a list of the types of things that go wrong with cars…over and over, and over…

The Frustration of Recurring Car Problems

We’ve all been there – no matter how well you maintain your car, some issues just seem to persist. One repair leads to another of the same problem down the road. It’s enough to make any driver pull their hair out. But recurring breakdowns don’t have to rule your life. By understanding the root causes, you can finally gain the upper hand on these vexatious vehicle villains. Let’s investigate the top 5 perps and equip you with strategies for living break-down free.

Engine Exasperation

Those loud knocking and pinging sounds are never good news. A tired engine takes repeated beatings before throwing in the towel. Culprits often include weary hoses and belts that fail to keep vital fluids circulating properly. Over time, neglected fluids and filters lead engines to combustible combustion malfunctions as well. Get ahead of trouble with regular fluid flushes, belt and hose checks, and meticulous maintenance according to your manual. A few extra minutes now prevents countless hours in the shop later.

Electrical Annoyances

When the lights won’t turn on and the motor sputters, it’s no shock your electrical system is conspiring against you again. We’ve all witnessed alternators and batteries breathe their last, only to have their replacements meet the same fate. Corroded connections and faulty wiring are classic gremlins too. Make peace by addressing maintenance, corrosion prevention, and any upgrades your trusty steed requires to finally power through without power paralysis.

Suspension Surprises

“What’s that strange noise?” is a terrifying thought when unsteady steering hits on the highway. Worn shocks and struts refuse to reduce that rumble for long before needing surgery. And tie rods that can’t hold an alignment spec lead alignment anguish down the road. When you’re burning through tires suspisciously fast it’s worth getting your alignment checked. Keep suspensions stabilized with diligent inspections and timely replacements of rubber and rod components for ride quality that lasts.

Brake Blues

No one wants to hear the pads are bone dry or rotors look like Swiss cheese – again! Recurring brake repairs are an expense nobody wants to fork over for constantly. Yet neglected pad replacement intervals and lack of maintenance often seal brakes’ doom. Stick to professional service schedules and immediately address any squeaks or pulls for braking bliss guaranteed to stop on a dime every time.

Coolant Conundrums

That familiar smell of antifreeze is never a good sign. Persistent water pump and hose failures mean coolant continually abandons ship, leaving engines high and dry. Radiators also suffer repeat malfunctions after surviving some stops and starts. Catch issues early with frequent checking, prompt flushing, and meticulous maintenance that prevents overheating from ruinning your cool.

With diligence, you hold the power to eliminate these vehicular villains for good. Remember – recurring car troubles are rarely inevitable. Stay one step ahead with commitment to consistent care, and say sayonara to breakdown blues forever. Your automobile appliance will always appreciate well-deserved TLC. Feel like a master mechanic and don’t fall victim to bothersome breakdowns again starting today!

So in summary – take preventative measures and address maintenance proactively. With attention to these pesky hot spots, you’ll be well equipped to remedy and prevent any continued car complaints for calm cruising joy without need for a recurring repair rap sheet. Now get out there and drive break-down free!

What’s News: Giuseppe’s Garage

You’re not going to believe this 12 years old boy Hellertown, Pennsylvania, who loves to wrench. Good Morning America covered him working at his dad’s auto body shop, because they want to inspire the next generation to do stuff. At the kicker, we hope he inspires people of all ages to learn more about all things automotive.

Here’s a Welcome Video About Giuseppe’s Garage:

Here are some links to places you can follow his work:

This young man’s passion is so infectious and with his father they’re exactly what this blog is about. We’re going to reach out to his people and try to score an interview. Cross your fingers with our writing staff and all the mechanics over at our sponsor, Tire Kickers.

Restoring Classic Cars: A Step-by-Step Guide

For many people, classic cars hold a special place in their hearts. Whether it be for their unique design or rich history, classic cars have gained a loyal following over the years. Restoring them can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it can also be a daunting task for beginners. This guide is designed to help you with the restoration process and provide valuable tips along the way.

Step 1: Planning and Preparation

Before you begin restoring your classic car, it is important to have a plan in place. This includes setting a budget and timeline for the project. Once you have your plan, take some time to research the car you will be restoring. Find out the common issues that arise and review troubleshooting options. You can also make a list of the parts you will need and begin sourcing them. There are many online resources where you can find classic car parts, such as eBay and specialty parts websites.

Step 2: The Restoration Process

The first step in the restoration process is to remove all of the parts from the car. This allows you to thoroughly clean and assess the car’s condition. Begin by cleaning the exterior and interior of the car with a mild detergent and wiping it dry with a soft cloth. Then, start disassembling the car, taking pictures and labeling parts as you go along. This will help you during the reassembly process.

As you disassemble the car, make sure to inspect each part closely. Look for any signs of rust or damage and note what needs to be repaired or replaced. Keeping records of the parts you need to replace will streamline the restoration process. You can then source or order these parts while you work on other areas of the car.

Step 3: The Reassembly Process

Once you have all of the necessary parts, you can begin the reassembly process. Reassemble the car in the reverse order that you disassembled it, starting with the larger parts and working down to the smaller ones. Make sure to follow a sequence to ensure that everything is installed properly.

As you reassemble the car, make sure to lubricate moving parts and check the torque for bolts and nuts. This is also a great time to install any upgrades, such as a new stereo or air conditioning system. As each part goes back on to the car, take pride in knowing that you are restoring its original beauty.

Step 4: Maintenance

Once your classic car is restored, maintaining it properly is essential. Regular maintenance can help to prevent damage and extend the life of your car. This includes regular oil changes, tire rotations, and washing your car frequently. It is also important to store your car in a dry and cool place to prevent premature aging.


Restoring classic cars can be a fun and rewarding project for beginners, but it requires planning, patience, and attention to detail. By following these steps, you can restore your classic car to its original beauty and maintain it for years to come. Remember to take pride in your work and enjoy the process!

Top 10 Performance Upgrades for Your Car That Won’t Break the Bank

If you’re looking to upgrade your car’s performance, the good news is that you don’t have to empty your bank account to do it. There are plenty of affordable upgrades that can make a noticeable difference in how your car handles, accelerates, and performs overall. In this post, we’ll take a look at the top 10 performance upgrades that won’t break the bank, including everything from air filters to sway bars.

1) Cold Air Intake

Switching out your car’s factory air intake system with a cold air intake is a straightforward and relatively inexpensive upgrade that has been proven to increase horsepower and torque. Cold air intakes draw cooler air from outside your engine bay and feed it into your engine, giving it more oxygen to work with. You can typically install a cold air intake yourself with some basic tools.

2) High-Flow Exhaust

A high-flow exhaust system allows for easier and faster movement of exhaust gases, which can improve your car’s horsepower and torque. Upgrading your exhaust system can also give your car a deeper, more aggressive exhaust note. Just keep in mind that some states have specific laws regarding aftermarket exhaust systems, so be sure to check before making a purchase.

3) Performance Chip

A performance chip, also known as an ECU tuner, recalibrates your car’s engine control unit to optimize its performance and power output. This upgrade can significantly increase your car’s horsepower and torque, and can also improve fuel efficiency. Performance chips can be installed by a mechanic or DIY if you’re confident in your abilities.

4) Sway Bars

Sway bars, also known as anti-roll bars, are designed to reduce body roll in turns, which can improve handling and stability. Kit sets with front and rear sway bars are readily available and are budget-friendly. Sway bars are not extremely hard to install. It is essential to install also with the right bushings which come in sets or are bought separately to prevent any issues.

5) Brake Pads

Upgrading your car’s brake pads is an affordable upgrade that can make a tremendous difference in the car’s overall performance. High-performance brake pads grip better, making stops quicker and give better control while slowing down the car from high speeds. It is a hassle-free direct replacement with minimum input needed.

6) Air Filter

An air filter upgrade has been shown to have a marginal effect on vehicle performance, wherever the car has a disposable filter or not. It is advisable to replace dirty air filters regularly, but upgrading to a high-performance air filter can increase the engine’s airflow. This, in turn, increases the engine’s power and acceleration. Air filters are straightforward to install, usually taking under an hour.

7) Performance Shocks

Performance shocks are a great upgrade if you’re looking to improve how your car handles. These shocks dampen the car’s movement, leading to less bouncing and better cornering. There are many options available, depending on your car and what handling characteristics you want to improve. The installation of shocks needs some experience and, therefore, can be challenging to DIY.

8) EBC Brake Rotors

Upgrading your brake rotors may sound like it will be expensive, but it doesn’t need to be. EBC makes high-quality rotors that provide better braking ability than the stock rotors and come with a reasonable price tag. EBC’s brake rotors are made from high-grade materials, which makes them durable while providing better heat dissipation, resulting in better brake performance.

9) Lightened Flywheel

Switching to a lighter flywheel can significantly increase your car’s horsepower and acceleration. A lighter flywheel requires less energy from the engine to move, leading to a faster revving engine and faster acceleration. It is advisable to leave the installation of a lightened flywheel to an experienced mechanic as it can be a complex process.

10) Performance Tires

Last but not least, upgrading to performance tires can be a game-changer. Performance tires have stronger, stickier rubber, which provides better traction and improved handling. With better handling comes better cornering ability, so you will be able to take turns faster and maintain control of the vehicle efficiently.

In Conclusion

At the end of the day, upgrading your car’s performance doesn’t have to break the bank. These performance upgrades are affordable yet highly effective and can make a world of difference in how your car handles, accelerates, and performs overall. Always remember to do your research, take precautions, and if in doubt, get professional help.

How to Maintain Your Cool Car for Maximum Performance

Are you the proud owner of a cool car? Is your vehicle your pride and joy? Well, if you want to maintain optimal car performance, then it’s essential to ensure that your car is well cared for. From regular check-ups to topping off fluids and more, follow these tips for keeping your vehicle running smoothly. Thus, you can extend the life of your beloved ride and enjoy maximum performance for years to come.

The Importance of Regular Maintenance for Your Cool Car

Regular maintenance is essential for anyone who wants to keep their car running smoothly and efficiently. Proper care of your cool car will help extend its life, maintain optimal performance, and save you money in the long run. Regular check-ups are necessary to identify potential issues before they become bigger problems. Don’t skip regular tune ups and oil changes if you want your vehicle to remain reliable and safe on the road. Taking these preventative steps can help ensure maximum performance from your car while avoiding costly repairs down the line.

How to Check the Fluids in Your Vehicle

Checking the fluids in your car is one of the most important maintenance tasks you can do to ensure it runs smoothly. Ideally you set an appointment in your calendar to regularly check your fluids. If not that, at least check your driveway often to see if you have an obvious leak. What not to do? Wait for an indicator light. Unless your manual says otherwise, these lights aren’t a maintenance reminder, they are a sign that you’ve already developed a problem.

To check the fluids, you’ll need to locate each fluid reservoir in or under your hood, pop off its lid, and use a dipstick or measuring cup to measure how much fluid is inside. Does it sound crazy that you’d have to suck all the fluid out to check it? This isn’t really a thing on cars built this century so if you have a car that would need it, you probably already know. However, if you have a car built this century obsolutly replace dipsticks with ones that are made for you vehicle. Sometimes we run into a car with a fluid cap on it that just happened to fit–not because the owner did it. If you use an unreliable mechanic crazy things happen. Having a cap that “fits” but wasn’t designed for your exact vehicle is a leading cause of fluid leaque and could lead to you thining the fluid levels are fine when they aren’t.

Why You Shouldn’t Skip Tune Ups or Oil Changes

Oil changes are one of the most important maintenance tasks for any vehicle. Regular oil changes ensure that your engine is running smoothly and efficiently, while also helping to reduce wear and tear on your car’s parts. It’s essential to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for when to change your oil, as this will help keep you from skipping necessary maintenance tasks.

Most often, oil changes should be done at least every 5,000 miles or 6 months (whichever comes first), so make sure you mark it in your calendar if needed! Additionally, check the owner’s manual for specific instructions regarding viscosity grade and other details related to your particular model. Taking care of these small but important steps can go a long way towards maintaining optimal performance in your cool car!

Simple Tips to Keep your Vehicle’s Interior and Exterior Clean

Keeping your car’s interior and exterior clean is essential for maintaining optimal performance. Not only does it help keep the resale value of your vehicle high, but it also helps to ensure that all components are in good working order. Fortunately, there are a few simple tips you can follow to keep your car looking great inside and out. From frequent vacuuming and dusting to routine waxing or polishing, here are some easy ways to maintain both the interior and exterior of your car for maximum performance.

Smart Ways to Save Money on Routine Services and Repairs

Keeping your car’s interior and exterior clean is essential for maintaining optimal performance. Not only does it help keep the resale value of your vehicle high, but it also helps to ensure that all components are in good working order.

Fortunately, there are a few simple tips you can follow to keep your car looking great inside and out. From frequent vacuuming and dusting to routine waxing or polishing, here are some easy ways to maintain both the interior and exterior of your car for maximum performance. See this post for Interior Maintenance tips and This post for Exterior Repair Tips.

Smart Ways to Save Money on Interior Maintenance

  1. Empty the trash often to reduce smells and the chances passengers will put things on the floor.
  2. Remove and clean floor matts to extend their life. Sand wears out the fibers of your floor matts creating dust.
  3. Vaccuum Seats & Trunk to reduce dust and oder.
  4. Use cleaning wipes to dust hard surfaces and remove disease (don’t forget between seats)
  5. Use cupcake wrappers to block grime from hard to clean corners in cup holders
  6. Mix one cup water, two tablespoons vinegar, and one cup of rubbing alcohol for effective homemade window cleaner
  7. Remove seat & carpet stains with homemade cleaner. Mix two cups water, one cup of vinegar in spray bottle with a tablespoon of dish soap. Let soak in 15 before wiping up with a wet cloth.
  8. Use waterproof seat protector to keep pet hair off seats. Vaccuums often fail with pet hair. Wear a rubber glove and wipe your hand accross the surface to remove most of the hair easily.
  9. Use a wooden paint stir stick wrapped in a micro fiber cloth to get into crevices. Use a Q-tips to reach any crevices that remain.
  10. You can buy new car smell air freshener online, or you can make your own by dropping your favorite essential oil into a baggy with some baking soda. Sprinkle the mixture onto your carpet and let it sit for 20 minutes before vaccuuming. Scent will linger for up to a week.
  11. To remove extreeme smells, place laundry sheets in the back window on a hot day with all the windows rolled up. Remove after 2 hours.

Smart Ways to Save Money on Routine Services and Repairs

  1. Get multiple estimates
  2. Ask for an estimate up front
  3. Ask if you can provide your own parts
  4. Consider both independent and franchise shops
  5. Get repairs done quickly before problems snowball
  6. Consult your insurance company if their is a discount (See note below)
  7. Form a relationship with an autobody shop.
(Note: if your insurance agent works “captured” for a single agency they are required to report that you have damage even if you decide against filing a claim. Your insurance could go up. Consider using a broker who can answer “hypothetical questions” without reporting damage you intend to fix on your own dime.)

Taking the time to maintain your car is a great way to ensure that it runs smoothly for years and looks good inside and out. By following these tips, you can save money on routine services as well as quickly identify any problems with your vehicle before they become major issues. With regular cleaning, maintenance check-ups, fluid topping offs, and other smart strategies in place, you’ll be able to enjoy maximum performance from your cool car while keeping its resale value high. So don’t wait – start taking care of your beloved ride today!

Tips for Cheap Car Cleaning and Repair

Do you need to repair your car but don’t have the money for a mechanic? You’re not alone! Car repairs can be expensive, and they often come at the worst possible time. Luckily, there are ways to make car repairs more affordable. The sad reality is that the best way to save on car repair is to keep your car maintained. Of course, it might not be affordable to baby your car the way you want to. So, this post will focus on the most cost effective ways to avoid repairs and some ideas about saving money if it’s already too late.

Cheapest Ways to Avoid Needing Costly Repair

1) Read the Owner’s Manual. Yes, you should take the time to read the owner’s manual of your used car, because assuming it takes the same oil at the same interval, for example, can get you into trouble. The owner’s manual will contain one or two nuggets you wouldn’t have known otherwise, we garuantee it.

2) Regularly Check the Oil. It can feel like you are squeezing every dollar out of your oil when you run it an extra few miles, but the wear on your car is applied to ever part of your car that oil was protecting. A $60 oil change could prevent three $100 motor parts from going bad early.

3) Keep an Eye on Fluids. When your car over heats it puts wear on the entire engine. Running out of water sucks when it strands you on the side of the road, but the real bills start rolling in when you crack your engine block.

4) Pay Attention to Tire Pressure. If your tires are over or under inflated it wears your tires out faster and effects your fuel economy. Needing are often could be a sign of a bigger issue.

5) Replace Your Air Filter. The air filter protects your engine and your fluids. Its not only inexpensive to replace it’s generally easy to do yourself so you don’t need to take your car to a mechanic. Don’t buy them through your oil change place. Go to a parts store and learn to do this one yourself.

Another bit of traditional wisdom comes to us from the “For Dummies” Website.

A) Find a reputable mechanic
B) Look up the average cost of that type of repair so you aren’t overcharged
C) By discount parts online (Try Parts Geek and AutoBarn)

Smart Ways to Save Money on Interior Maintenance

  1. Empty the trash often to reduce smells and the chances passengers will put things on the floor.
  2. Remove and clean floor matts to extend their life. Sand wears out the fibers of your floor matts creating dust.
  3. Vaccuum Seats & Trunk to reduce dust and oder.
  4. Use cleaning wipes to dust hard surfaces and remove disease (don’t forget between seats)
  5. Use cupcake wrappers to block grime from hard to clean corners in cup holders
  6. Mix one cup water, two tablespoons vinegar, and one cup of rubbing alcohol for effective homemade window cleaner
  7. Remove seat & carpet stains with homemade cleaner. Mix two cups water, one cup of vinegar in spray bottle with a tablespoon of dish soap. Let soak in 15 before wiping up with a wet cloth.
  8. Use waterproof seat protector to keep pet hair off seats. Vaccuums often fail with pet hair. Wear a rubber glove and wipe your hand accross the surface to remove most of the hair easily.
  9. Use a wooden paint stir stick wrapped in a micro fiber cloth to get into crevices. Use a Q-tips to reach any crevices that remain.
  10. You can buy new car smell air freshener online, or you can make your own by dropping your favorite essential oil into a baggy with some baking soda. Sprinkle the mixture onto your carpet and let it sit for 20 minutes before vaccuuming. Scent will linger for up to a week.
  11. To remove extreeme smells, place laundry sheets in the back window on a hot day with all the windows rolled up. Remove after 2 hours.

Smart Ways to Save Money on Routine Services and Repairs

  1. Get multiple estimates
  2. Ask for an estimate up front
  3. Ask if you can provide your own parts
  4. Consider both independent and franchise shops
  5. Get repairs done quickly before problems snowball
  6. Consult your insurance company if their is a discount (See note below)
  7. Form a relationship with an autobody shop.

(Note: if your insurance agent works “captured” for a single agency they are required to report that you have damage even if you decide against filing a claim. Your insurance could go up. Consider using a broker who can answer “hypothetical questions” without reporting damage you intend to fix on your own dime.)

The Choice of Paintwork for Cars

How do you change the color of your car?

First, you could choose another solid hue.

This is reasonably easy, solid finishes only take three layers; the primer, the paint itself and finally the lacquer. This may be achieved in what is known as a “two-pack” where the paint and the lacquer is mixed together. There aren’t that many colors to choose from, just the usual red, black or blue.

Mixing Colors:

Most people don’t consider a mixing of colors and for good reason, it only works by placing light colors on top of dark ones, such as blue on top of black. And it’d be hard to keep to the same color, it will alter over time or through a repainting.

A problem that could occur if you’re not careful is layers separating creating a peel. These are caused by moisture entering the paint in the application process. Because people don’t like applying paint indoors it is a common occurrence, the only alternative is to apply the paint on a non-misty day.

Best Color:

The best solid color to paint the car is gray or silver as it doesn’t show the dirt as much as black or white. But even a gray car needs the occasional polish to make it presentable. Well, if it’s your pride and joy it makes sense to keep it in presentable condition.


Matte finish paint needs a special polish and shampoo when cleaning the car. Certain marks can create a permanent effect, for instance bird droppings, and should be dealt with straight away.

Another option is metallic finishes, providing a brighter shine than a solid color which is created by having aluminium or similar flakes in the paint. Unfortunately, it doesn’t add that much value to the car, so it’s only really done for cosmetic reasons. The refraction is best seen on a sunny day, though even when the skies are overcast it still creates a strong effect. There are further down sides to these types of paint as they show the dirt more and can make repairs more difficult.


Because a matte finish requires a number of products such as polishes in order to keep it free from blemishes a compromise might be to use a vinyl wrap. Using something like a car wash may still be out of the question though. The advantage of wraps is that you can simply redo the entire wrap without too much effort or expense.

The Best Answer:

The best type of paint is pearlescent, but this can be hard to purchase from the mainstream names. The pearlescent effect is caused by little pieces of ceramic which both reflect and refract natural light. As with metallic paint it does tend to show the dirt. Again, there’s not that many colors to choose from but pearlescent is a mixture of colors really so it makes no difference.

A Final Note on Cleaning:

When looking at shampoos one idea is to consider other people with a similar car such as yours. After all they will know what works with that type of paint.

Probably in custom painting your car you’re presenting yourself with problems further down the line. Whenever you get into a fender bender you will have to custom match that paint on the new panel. But if you’ve got the time it will definitely increase the look and the value of your car.

Dodge Airbag Recall Issues

Dodge has had several airbag recall issues in recent years. In 2017, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) announced a recall of over 1 million Dodge vehicles due to a problem with the airbag system.

This was part of the Takata recall, where tens of millions of cars with Takata airbags, including Dodge Magnum Wagons, Charger muscle cars and Dodge Challengers, were recalled. Humidity and high heat were the underlying factors that caused the airbags to explode when deployed.

The issue was caused by a defect in the airbag control module, which could prevent the airbags from deploying in the event of a crash. This defect could increase the risk of injury or death to the vehicle’s occupants.

More recently, The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration released news detailing a fatal crash involving a 2010 Chrysler 300. The accident raptured the driver’s airbag inflator. According to the same news report, five people have been killed this year in airbag-related crashes.

However, the company came out with a statement saying that the problem might be related to chemical properties which deteriorate over time, especially when exposed to hot environments and climates.

On December 19 (Monday), 2022, Stellantis, through its U.S. Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FAC), re-affirmed the alert issued in November of the same year:

  • Two people lost their lives in separate crashes involving exploding Takata airbags in Dodge Chargers (the 2010 models)
  • Owners of Dodge Magnums, Challengers, Chargers and Chrysler 300s should call 833-585-0144 and have their vehicles serviced and towed for free.
  • Owners are also advised to check whether their cars have open Takata airbags and schedule a free repair as soon as possible.

In addition to this recall, Dodge has also had a number of other airbag-related recalls in recent years. In 2018, the NHTSA announced a recall of thousands of Dodge vehicles due to a problem with the airbag system’s software. This defect would cause the airbags to deploy unexpectedly, increasing the risk of injury or death to the vehicle’s occupants.

In 2019 and 2021, Dodge announced another recall of over 200,000 vehicles due to a problem with the airbag system. This recall was issued after it was discovered that the airbags could potentially rupture.

It’s important for drivers of affected vehicles to be aware of these recalls and to have their vehicles repaired as soon as possible. If you own a Dodge vehicle and are unsure if it is affected by any of these recalls, you can check the NHTSA’s website or contact your local Dodge dealer for more information.

In Conclusion

Overall, the airbag recall issues affecting Dodge vehicles highlight the importance of regularly checking for and addressing any potential safety issues with your vehicle.

Left unrepaired these airbags present a constant source of danger as the risk of explosion grows with every passing day. Every day that passes without a replacement or service for these airbags, you’re putting yourself and your family in harm’s way.

By staying informed and having your vehicle repaired as needed, you can help to ensure the safety of yourself and your passengers on the road.