Preventing Issues With Your Diesel Truck (Cold Weather related)

Getting your diesel engine to start and run in the freezing temperatures of the winter season is just one common issue with all diesel trucks. We’ve prepared the following article to help you understand and prevent issues with your diesel truck during winter.

What are the Most Common Issues with Diesel Trucks in Cold Weather?

Here are some of the common issues diesel trucks face during cold weather:

Fuel Gelling

As the name suggests, fuel gelling is a situation where the fuel in your tank thickens to the point it feels and looks like ‘gel’.

The problem with diesel fuel is that it can gel when it gets cold. This happens because the hydrocarbons in diesel are not soluble in water, so they form crystals when they get cold.

When this happens, the engine will stop running because there will be no way for the fuel to reach all of the cylinders.

How To Prevent This

Some fuel companies offer a winter blend which allows the truck to have better properties during the winter. It’s costlier than your typical diesel gas, but it will keep the truck running during this season.

Other options you should consider to keep fuel from gelling include;

1) Add an anti-gel additive to your diesel before winter starts

2) Keep your truck’s engine warm by running it for 10 minutes every hour or so during winter

Dirty Fuel Filters

Dirty fuel filters are the most common cause of no engine starts and stalls. This goes hand in hand with fuel gelling because when your fuel is at risk of gelling, dirty fuel can be your worst nightmare.

Diesel Fuel Filter

You’ll know if your fuel filter needs changing when you get poor engine performance, have a hard time starting your truck, experience stalling when driving, or have a random misfire.

How to Prevent This

As a rule of thumb, replacing your fuel filter before or at the beginning of the winter season would be best. You can also keep an extra fuel filter in your car, especially during the cold seasons. 

Buildup of Deposits

A build-up of deposits is not an issue specific to the winter season, as the build-up happens in the combustion chamber over time. Diesel engines are prone to a build-up of carbon deposits inside the engine.

With the accumulation of deposits, fuel consumption will increase, and the engine will suffer considerable power loss.

How To Prevent This

The only way to prevent this is by treating the diesel engine and cleaning out the fuel injectors.

Here are some ways to clean your fuel injectors:

  • Clean manually – You can manually disassemble the fuel injectors and clean them manually. However, we recommend finding a qualified professional to help you as this can be a thorough and time-consuming affair.
  • Ultrasonic Waves – Take your truck to a professional garage which uses ultrasonic waves to clean the debris.
  • Diesel Treatment – Using an additive called diesel treatment has proven to be an effective method of cleaning fuel injectors. It’s also cost-effective and easy to use.

How To Address a Cold Start

First, check the dipstick to see if the engine oil is fluid. Remember, diesel engine oil is prone to gelling, meaning it could be completely solid.

If this is the case, do not attempt to start it. Use an external heat source to return the oil to its natural viscous state. You; need to use a steamer or a blow heater to generate heat.

New Year’s Resolutions for Your Car (Car maintenance)

The New Year is a great start, including your car, to start fresh. Whether you resolve to save money, be more environmentally friendly, or keep your vehicle running smoothly, there are a few easy things you can do to make it happen.

1.  Check and Change Your Oil

One of the most important things you can do to keep your car running smoothly is to change the oil regularly. Over time, oil breaks down and becomes less effective at lubricating the engine and protecting it from wear and tear. That’s why it’s essential to check your oil level regularly and change it when necessary.

Many carmakers recommend changing the oil every 5,000 miles, but it’s a good idea to consult your owner’s manual to see what interval is advisable for your particular model. And if you’re unsure about how to change your oil, you can always take it to a qualified mechanic.

2.  Learn How to Jump-Start a Vehicle

This simple skillset can come in handy if your battery dies on the road. Jump-starting a car is relatively easy and requires only a few tools you probably already have in your garage. All you need is a working vehicle with a good battery, jumper cables, and about 30 minutes. Once you have those items, follow your car’s owner’s manual instructions to jump-start the dead battery.

3.  Check Fluids & Follow the Maintenance Schedule

This may seem like a small thing, but it can make a big difference in the health of your vehicle. Checking the oil level and tire pressure regularly helps to keep your car running smoothly and avoid costly repairs. In addition, following a regular maintenance schedule can help extend your car’s life by keeping it in good condition.

4.  Learn How to Change a Tire

It’s a relatively straightforward process, and it’s something that could come in handy if you ever find yourself stranded on the side of the road. Plus, it’s a great way to show your car some love and keep running smoothly.

Here’s a brief rundown of what you’ll need to do: first, you’ll need to find a safe place to park your car. Once you’ve done that, you’ll need to loosen the lug nuts on your wheel using a wrench. Next, you’ll need to jack up your car and remove the flat tire.

Finally, you’ll need to put the spare tire on and lower the car back down. Once you’ve tightened the lug nuts, you’re good to go.

5.  Become More Eco-Friendly

This means keeping up with regular oil changes, tire rotations, and other scheduled servicing. You can avoid more costly repairs down the road by keeping your car well-maintained. You can also save money by being a smarter driver. Avoiding hard starts and stops, driving the speed limit, and using cruise control can help improve your gas mileage.

New Year’s is a great time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the coming one. For your car, that might mean putting a resolution to keep up with maintenance. This can help prevent expensive repairs down the road and keep your car running smoothly. A few simple steps can make a big difference.

Which Truck Is the Most Reliable?

If you’re in the market for a new full-size truck, you’ll want to pay attention to the latest Consumer Reports rankings. The Toyota Tundra has come out on top, edging some stiff competition from other well-known brands. CR put eight of the most popular trucks through their paces, testing for reliability, fuel economy, and towing capacity. The Tundra came out on top, partly thanks to its impressive performance in CR’s scratch and dent tests.


The Tundra has a 5.7-litre V8 engine that can deliver up to 381 horsepower and 401 lb-ft of torque. That’s more than enough power to tow your boat or trailer. It also has a six-speed automatic transmission, mated to either rear-wheel drive or four-wheel drive. And if you need even more power, an optional i-FORCE MAX is available with the capacity to deliver 437 hp and 583 lb-ft of torque.

Why is the Tundra So Reliable?

The Tundra has been around for over 20 years, and in that time, it has developed a reputation for reliability. The 2000 model was designed for towing and hauling rather than comfort, but the 2021 model looks more glamorous. However, the new model has been made using the tried-and-true formula that served its predecessors well. Consumer Reports reliability rankings give the 2021 Tundra much credit for this pedigree. 2018, 2019, and 2020 models all boast above-average reliability, and experts expect the latest model to follow suit.

If you’re in the market for a full-size pickup, the 2021 Toyota Tundra should be at the top of your list. The Tundra is one of the most powerful vehicles on the market and offers a smooth and responsive ride. It features a quiet cabin and huge cargo space—an essential feature for any full-size truck. And if that’s not enough to convince you, of all trucks tested by CR, the Tundra has the highest customer satisfaction rating. A whopping 79% of Toyota Tundra owners say they would buy this car again.

How Many Miles can it Last?

Do you want a truck that will last? One that you can depend on mile after mile, year after year. Then you need a Toyota Tundra. These trucks are built to last and have the track record to prove it. Many Tundra owners have driven their trucks for 300,000 miles without major repairs. That’s the equivalent of driving around the world 12 times! So, if you’re looking for a truck that will go the distance, the Toyota Tundra is a clear choice.

Potential Problems with a Toyota Tundra Truck

Even the best vehicles have their drawbacks, and the Tundra is no exception. Some potential downsides of buying a Tundra include front suspension lower ball joint wearing out -an issue that affected 2006 models, in particular, air injection problems and exhaust manifold leaks that can cause the metal to fracture. Of course, these problems are not exclusive to the Tundra; any vehicle can suffer from them. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to buy a Tundra is a personal one that depends on many factors.

Checklist for Prepping Your Car for Thanksgiving Travel

Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends, and food. After indulging in a big Thanksgiving feast, many people hit the road to visit loved ones. If you’re planning on traveling this holiday season, it’s essential to ensure your car is in top condition.

Here is a checklist for prepping your car for thanksgiving travel:

1.  Get a Car Wash

A thorough car wash will remove any dirt and debris that could damage your paint job or affect your driving visibility. In addition, a car wash can help to prevent rust and corrosion, keeping your car looking its best for years to come.

2.  Check Engine Fluids and Filters

You can avoid any potential problems during your trip by checking engine fluids and filters. This includes ensuring that your engine oil is at the correct level and checking your coolant levels and engine air filter. In addition, it is also a good idea to have your vehicle’s battery and tires checked before embarking on a long journey.

3.  Inspect the Tires and Brakes

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s easy to forget these crucial components when busy preparing for the holiday. After all, you don’t want your car to break down in the middle of your road trip! Checking the tires is important because you want to ensure they’re appropriately inflated and have enough tread. You don’t want to get a flat tire or blowout while driving. As for the brakes, it’s always a good idea to get them checked before a long trip. You don’t want to find out too late that they’re not working correctly.

4.  Check the Wiper Blades

With all the rain and snow coming this year, good wipers are essential for seeing clearly while driving. A smeary or streaked windshield can make it challenging to see headlights and taillights, which can lead to accidents.

5.  Heater and Defrost System

A properly functioning heater will keep you warm on those cold winter nights, while a well-working defrost system will ensure that your windshield stays clear and frost-free. So before you embark on your holiday travels, give your heater and defrost system a little TLC.

6.  Cooling System

The cooling system in your car comprises several different components, all working together to keep your engine at the right temperature. Unfortunately, these components can wear out over time, leading to leaks and other problems. That’s why it’s important to check your cooling system before going on a long road trip. A few simple preventive maintenance measures can go a long way toward preventing problems down the line.

7.  Check Lights

As any experienced traveler knows, one of the most important things you can do to prep your car for a long road trip is to ensure all the lights are in working order. This includes the headlights, taillights, brake lights, and turn signals. After all, you don’t want to have a blown a fuse in the dark or be stranded on the side of the road.

8.  Check Your Battery

A dead battery is one of the last things you want to deal with on Thanksgiving, so it’s essential to check before you hit the road.

9.  Check your Air Conditioning

Checking the air conditioning is especially important when traveling in warm weather. Nothing is worse than feeling trapped in a hot, stuffy car for hours.

10.  Consult a Professional

A car professional can help you inspect your car to ensure everything is in working order before hitting the road. They can also give you tips on how to avoid common problems like flat tires and dead batteries.

We’d recommend our sponsor, TireKickers but we’re biased.

Car Prep For Winter Driving

Are you getting your car ready for winter driving? Just as you prep your home for the cold winter season, your vehicle needs to be prepared to ensure that it serves you well. To prepare your car for the winter, you should check the tires, make sure the oil is up to par, and pack an emergency kit. We’ve created a checklist to help you prep your car this winter.

Keep your gas tank at least half-full to avoid moisture buildup in the tank.

As the temperature drops, it’s essential to take extra steps to winterize your car. One thing you can do is to keep your gas tank at least half-full. This will help to avoid moisture buildup in the tank, which can lead to freezing and potentially damage your car’s engine.

And, of course, you’ll want to ensure you have plenty of antifreeze in your radiator. So, before the snow starts to fall, take some time to prep your car for the cold weather ahead. It’ll make life much easier (and safer) all winter long.

Inspect your tires for adequate tread depth and proper inflation

Inspecting your tires for good tread depth and proper inflation is crucial in ensuring your car is ready for winter weather. Tires with low tread depth are likelier to slip on ice and snow, while adequately inflated tires help fuel economy and prevent flat spots from forming.

Another way to prep your car for the winter is using snow tires. Snow tires are designed to provide better traction on icy roads, and they can make a big difference in safety. They’re also a good choice if you live in an area with much snow.

If you live in an area with milder winters, where you wouldn’t buy a studded tire, it’s still a good idea to get a tire designed for winter as they have come along way with specialized rubber and deeper tread channels for excess precipitation. They’ll give you better traction on icy roads and help keep you safe all season long.

Check Your Battery

One of the most important things you can do to prep your car for the cold is to check your battery and replace it if necessary. The battery is essential for starting your vehicle, and the cold weather can make it harder for the storm to work correctly.

A dead battery is one of the most common reasons for a car not starting in winter. So, if you want to avoid being stranded in the cold, make sure you get your battery checked before the temperature begins to drop.

Anytime you want to check that your car is roadworthy you can have it inspected by a mobile inspection service like our sponsor, Tire Kickers.

Is Driving A Tesla Really Maintenance Free?

Teslas are often advertised as being maintenance-free, but is that the case? Although Teslas do not require scheduled maintenance, like oil changes and tune-ups, some maintenance tasks still need to be performed.

For example, the brakes on a Tesla will wear out over time and need to be replaced. The tires will also need to be regularly inspected and rotated. In addition, the battery pack will gradually lose its capacity over time and eventually need to be replaced.

For one thing, Teslas require less frequent maintenance than traditional gasoline-powered cars. Teslas have far fewer moving parts thanks to their electric motors than conventional cars, which means there are fewer opportunities for something to break down.

As a result, owners can expect to save money on repairs and maintenance over the life of their vehicles. In addition, Teslas also have much lower fuel costs than gas-powered cars. Although the initial purchase price of a Tesla may be higher than that of a traditional vehicle, owners can expect to save money in the long run, thanks to lower operating costs.

What kind of maintenance is required for a Tesla?

Teslas are designed for minimal maintenance, and many owners report infrequent trips to the service center. The first is to keep the interior and exterior clean. This will help to protect the paint and prevent dirt and debris from damaging the car’s finish. The second is to check the tire pressure and tread depth regularly. Proper tire inflation and tread depth are essential for safety and fuel efficiency.

Finally, it is essential to have the vehicle’s software updated regularly. Software updates can add new features and improve performance, so it is necessary to stay up-to-date. Tesla vehicles require very little maintenance, but paying attention to the car’s needs is still crucial.

What are some common problems with Teslas?

Teslas can have its fair share of maintenance problems like any other car. One common issue is that electric motors need maintenance, particularly during hot weather or when the vehicle is used for long-distance driving.

Another problem is that the batteries can lose their charge relatively quickly, frustrating owners who are used to gas-powered cars with much longer ranges.

Additionally, the high-tech nature of Tesla vehicles can sometimes result in glitches with the infotainment system or other digital features. Software problems are not new for tesla owners, as sometimes you’ll be forced to perform computer reboots to correct a few minor issues.

While these problems can be frustrating, they are usually relatively easy to fix and should not deter potential buyers from considering a Tesla.

Teslas are marketed as being maintenance-free, but this is not the case. While there may be less work that needs to be done on Teslas than on classic cars, they still require some maintenance.

If you’re considering buying a Tesla, it’s essential to know that they require some maintenance, and it’s not quite as “maintenance-free” as the company would have you believe.

Do Teslas Really not have ANY oil in them?

I would be hard to believe a vehicle can run with no lubricant. And you’d be right to be suspicious. The marketing claim is that they don’t need traditional oil changes, which is not the same thing as being oil free. They have “gear boxes,” which is their version of a transmission, which requires lubricant.

5 Car Maintenance Myths

Car owners have heard many times about the best way to maintain their vehicles in good condition. Most people get advice related to engine power, fuel efficiency, and overall car longevity. While some tips seem like practical ways of enhancing your car’s performance or keeping it in shape, most of the maintenance tips are nothing but myths. Here’s a look at the top 5 car maintenance myths.

1. You should change your engine oil after every 3,000 miles

You’ve probably heard it before from your friends or even your mechanic that you should consider changing your engine oil every 3,000 miles. It’s not surprising that certain oil companies are still pushing for the same idea.

However, most modern cars can run up to 7,500 miles before an oil change. Technological advances have helped to develop superior engine designs and better chemical composition of oils. These improvements have helped cars to go for longer miles before oil changes.

2. Premium fuel will increase your car’s performance

Unless your car has an engine that gets hotter or has a high compression, standard gasoline is okay. Even the cheaper 86 octane fuel must meet the required quality standards. Therefore, you can be sure it won’t affect your car’s performance.

3. Servicing your car at different service centers voids its warranty

Manufacturers will recommend specific service centers you can turn to in case your vehicle needs maintenance. A common myth is that going to other service centers will void your vehicle’s warranty. But this is far from the truth.

You can repair your car at any service station without hampering your warranty. What you need to ensure is to have all the receipts for repair expenses in case they are required for further inspection and compensation.

4. You should replace all four tires

Most car owners also believe they should replace all four tires even when others still have good grip and treads. However, this is another car maintenance myth you should be wary of.

The reality is that you don’t need to incur unnecessary expenses just to replace all four tires. You simply need to check the tire depth and confirm that your wheels haven’t outlived their lifespans. When replacing your tires, ensure you choose the right size, model, and depth for increased durability.

5. Warm your car engine before driving off

Perhaps you’ve been warming your car before driving it in the cold weather. How true is this myth?

Well, it turns out that modern cars warm up faster. Another thing is that other car parts like transmission and wheel bearings warm up once the car is in motion. So, there isn’t any advantage gained by taking a few minutes to warm your vehicle before driving away.

Idling your car uses gas. You’ll be wasting time and money waiting for it to heat up.

Generally, knowing that these car maintenance myths are actually not true helps to ensure you use and maintain your car as required.

What To Expect When Your Mechanic Makes a House Call

Mechanics have simplified the process of getting car repair services. You no longer need to drive your car to the mechanic to get it fixed. Now, mechanics are going rounds making house calls. Therefore, besides the convenience of having your car fixed right from your doorstep, there’s a lot more you should expect with door-to-door car repair services.

Car Care Made Easy

Driving your vehicle to get it fixed is always a hassle. This sometimes means paying an extra fee to tow it to the nearest service center or a mechanic you trust. With car repair services delivered to your home or office, you will save a lot on additional expenses that you could have alternatively incurred.

Once you book an appointment, the mechanic will arrive with all the required gear to fix your car. You need to provide the mechanic with enough parking space or driveway. To ensure you don’t forget about the appointment, your mechanic or service center will send you a reminder a day before the appointment.

During the specific day when your vehicle should be fixed, your mechanic will send you another reminder that they are on their way. If you’re not around your home or office, you can notify the mechanic where to collect your car keys and fix your car while you’re away.

Your mechanic will strive to keep time, so you should expect them to arrive within the scheduled time. Avoid driving your car during this time so the engine cools down for effective repairs.

If you’re present during the house call, you can use this opportunity to ask your mechanic about any mechanical issues with your car. You also don’t have to worry about disposing of old replaced parts of your car since your mechanic can do this for you.

What You Get

After inspecting your account, your report will be recorded in your account. The report details essential safety items like car engine codes, brakes, filters, fluid levels, tire treads, belts, etc. You can easily access your report at any time. This allows you to maintain your car in good condition to serve you better.

Your mechanic will then bill you for services rendered. You can choose your preferred payment method and won’t be billed until you’re satisfied with the car repair services. Depending on your payment method, your mechanic will send you a digital receipt and update your data on their platform. This helps you to track your car repair expenses and budget for them in the future.

When your mechanic makes a house call, they can send you maintenance reminders from time to time. Plus, you can manage your vehicle online. You get to schedule appointments and review any services your car needs to function at its best.

Car maintenance is easier than ever before, especially now that your mechanic can provide door-to-door services the ‘Uber-style. Therefore, apart from convenience, you can be confident that your car will always be well maintained.

The Ins and Outs of Car Warranties

Whether it’s a new or used car, the cost of maintenance and repairs can be quite high. One way car owners hope to save money is by purchasing an auto warranty. With so many options for warranties, trying to weed through the varying terms and conditions can feel like a daunting task.

With warranties for either new or used vehicles, there are just a few main keywords and options to look out for to make sure you are saving money by the plan covering some costs of repairs but also not losing money by paying for plan options you don’t need.

Types of Warranty Coverages

Regardless of being a factory warranty or one purchased through a third-party vendor, there are certain terms for the plans, that are similar. Check the terms and conditions specific to your plan to ensure you know what you are paying for and what support you can expect when repairs are needed.

Powertrain Warranty

As the name implies, powertrain warranties generally cover everything in the drive-system of the car, from the motor to the wheel axles. These types of warranties most often have a shorter term than others. However, since it covers vital engine components such as seals and gaskets, they may prove to be a wallet-saver if any covered part fails.


The bumper-to-bumper warranty is the most comprehensive of warranty plan types, and is commonly called, an “exclusionary plan.” In short, a bumper-to-bumper warranty covers everything as the name implies, including most mechanical, electrical, and other high-tech components.

The terms of these types of warranties generally list conditions or components that are not covered, rather than what is covered. These exclusions usually include general wear and tear, damage caused by an accident or collision, or any damage or component failure due to the installation or use of aftermarket parts.

Other Warranty Types

While Bumper-To-Bumper and Powertrain warranties are the most common types, other more miscellaneous coverages might be worth exploring.

Depending on which state you live in, the Department of Motor Vehicles may require yearly or periodic emissions testing. If this is the case, an Emissions Performance or an Emissions Defect warranty may cover you if any emissions-system-related part fails.

For the body of the car, you may have the option of purchasing or adding a Corrosion Warranty. While these generally do not cover damage caused by environmental factors, such as acid rain, they usually cover corrosion of the sheet metal body skin due to material defects.

Warranty Vendors

Along with options for coverage, there are also options for who sells the warranty. This generally is dependent on the age of the vehicle and whether it is new or used.

Factory Warranties

Generally, the easiest route for auto warranties is to have a factory warranty. For both new cars, manufacturers each have their term limits for bumper-to-bumper and powertrain warranties, with many offering longer terms as a marketing strategy. However, these are generally limited to the first owner of the vehicle.

Even if your car is used, it may be covered by a factory extended warranty, commonly called a Certified Pre-Owned (CPO) warranty. Along with the standard factory warranty, each manufacturer will have its own CPO warranty terms.

Independent Extended Warranties

Depending on the age of the vehicle, it might not be eligible for a factory warranty or even a CPO warranty. There is still an option for coverage. Many companies, independent of auto manufacturers, offer extended warranties that may offer similar coverages, with some plans covering up to 250,000 miles.


If there is an option for a factory warranty when purchasing a car, it is generally a good investment to add on. This is specially true during the break-in period or if it is a new model. However, an independent extended warranty, should be compared to the average annual cost for repairs for your car brand.

DIY Detail vs. Paying a Professional

Second to purchasing an entirely different or new car, there is not much that can replace a detailed cleaning to reinvigorate the bond with your car. Above just driving through an automatic carwash and simple vacuum, a detail will have your car looking just about as clean as when it rolled off the assembly line.

But whether to do it yourself is a decision that you will have to make. Both certainly have their pros and cons. Depending on how much time you have and what specifically you are looking for the detail may sway your decision one way or the other.

Here are some areas to consider when deciding whether to do a DIY detail or have it done by a professional service.


This is likely one of the major areas most people think of when deciding whether or not to get a professional detail. There might be a bit of a sticker shock when you are quoted for a detail by a professional company. This is especially true with either a larger vehicle or a deeper overall cleaning.

However, when you consider the specialized cleaning solutions and tools you would need to buy to achieve similar results, may make the professional detailing more appealing. That said, if you plan on detailing your car often, the initial cost of the supplies and cleaning solutions can be considered an investment.

There is a chance the initial costs could be made up for, but it would take several cleanings.

Winner: Professional (initially)


Along with the high cost of a quality detail, a good one will also take more time. Professional companies often charge a premium for their services as their experienced employees know how to efficiently flow through the interior and exterior of a car, as well as what order things they should clean in.

Even if you are a “seasoned vet” with cleaning your car and know it like the back of your hand, nothing can match the teamwork and experience of a professional detailing crew.

If you enjoy the work and you get a sense of pride looking at the results of your own hard work, you might consider a DIY detail.

Winner: Professional


This is very similar to time but belongs almost on its own. The time actually spent on detailing your car might be significantly less than if you did it yourself. However, if you factor in getting to and from the detailing location, as well as any other transportation while the car is being cleaned, the total time might be closer. It is the ability to find an opening in the schedule, as well as coordinate supporting rides that make the convenience of the DIY detail edge out.

Winner: DIY

How Dirty the Car is

There is only so much, even a professional detailing crew can accomplish and clean in a certain amount of time. If your car is incredibly dirty or filled with odds and ends from a recent car trip, it might be worth taking some time to remove all of the straw wrappers, empty water bottles or anything else that might make whoever will do the detailing easier.

Not unlike giving food-covered dishes a quick rinse before adding them to the dishwasher, this initial cleaning will only help in the end.

It is the specific type of dirt and grime you are trying to get up that may move your decision to a professional service, vs. DIY. If it will take just throwing away any refuse that has built up with little grime left over, it might not make sense to pay for someone else to do that.

However, if you are looking to clean up spills or remove built-up pet hair, a professional service can save a lot of money, time, and frustration.

Winner: DIY (for the most part)