2024 Polaris Slingshot Review

You might have encountered the Polaris Slingshot and wondered what the 2024 model offers. Well, as most would claim, the Polaris Slingshot is more of an autocycle than a vehicle. However, its powerful features make it stand out among the most unique vehicles in the market.

Besides its exceptional look, the 2024 Polaris Slingshot features a 2.0-liter engine with robust 203 horsepower and 144 lb-ft of torque. The new model maintains its hydraulically actuated or 5-speed manual, just like the outgoing model. This might not appeal to most buyers, but the few who opt for it find driving exciting.

New Features For The 2024 Slingshot

The 2020 Polaris Slingshot underwent major upgrades to meet its growing demand, which was evident with its attention-grabbing 2023 Slingshot. However, the 2024 model doesn’t offer much as minor changes are made to ensure it continues to appeal to its audience. The new Slingshot stands out with its eye-popping colors like Purple Lightning, Gold Rush, and Radar Blue Fade.

The SL and SLR Slingshot models come with new sporty graphics. Another attention-grabbing feature improved on the new model is the Rockford Fosgate audio system, which has been upgraded from 100 Watts to 200 Watts. The new SL model also features a contemporary sporty aluminum wheel with a Midnight Charcoal Metallic color.

Driving Experience

The 2.0-liter engine on the 2024 Polaris Slingshot allows the three-wheeler to accelerate from 0 to 60 in 4.9 seconds. The new model can also achieve A spirited driving experience when the Sporty mode is activated.

Handling the Polaris Slingshot on winding roads is remarkably good, thanks to the excellent suspension and tires that hold the auto-wheeler firmly on the road. The brakes fitted in the new Slingshot also allow the vehicle to stop quickly, even at high speeds.

Driving in an open cockpit is an added advantage, especially around the beach. The Slingshot’s outstanding appearance will surely turn most people’s attention in your direction. Drivers who fancy being in the spotlight will arguably fall in love with the stylish looks of the 2024 model.

It’s Not All Rosy

Like most quirky rides, the Slingshot offers a sneak peek into the driving experience just by casting your eyes on it. It hugs the pavement, giving you that thrilling sense of being close to the road, but don’t expect much protection from the elements. The diminutive windscreen does a decent job at lower speeds, but push it past 20 mph, and your noggin becomes a target for serious wind play.

While fantastic at keeping you glued to the asphalt, the suspension doesn’t pull any punches in the comfort department. Brace yourself for a stiff ride that broadcasts every bump and crack in the road directly to your spine. It wouldn’t hurt if Polaris brought back those adjustable Bilstein dampers from the initial generation, but we can dream, right?

Now, let’s talk about how loud the Slingshot is. Even with a state-of-the-art full-face helmet, the Slingshot is no library on wheels. The engine boldly sits upfront, flaunting its mechanical prowess with little more than a plastic cover for modesty. The exhaust has no qualms about belting its notes directly behind the right front tire, and to add to the auditory adventure, you cozy up to the gearbox and differential.

Pros and Cons of Fixing Your Car with a Recall

Car manufacturers often do their best to ensure their cars meet the safety regulations and standards their customers desire. Despite their efforts, there are still instances where your vehicle might have to be recalled for repairs. Here are some pros and cons of fixing your car with a recall.

Pros of Participating in the Recall

Address Safety Concerns

Your call will be recalled if the manufacturer thinks you and your vehicle might be at risk. Your car will need to be fixed to address the potential risks that have been identified. The good thing is that car recalls are often under the purview of government regulatory bodies. You can rest assured that all the major safety issues with the vehicle will be addressed carefully.

Manufacturers Cover the Repair Costs

Typically, manufacturers cover the repair costs incurred while fixing your vehicle. Whether small or large, you won’t have to break the bank to cover the costs of repairing brakes, airbags, tires, electrical components, and the engine. However, the costs don’t include radios, air conditioners, or wear and tear.

Legal Compliance

Car recalls are also essential to ensuring your car complies with the set legal standards and regulations. So, besides ensuring you’re safe on the road, fixing your car with a recall guarantees that it meets the required local or international legal standards.

Protects Your Car’s Warranty

Fixing your car with a recall also offers the advantage of ensuring it protects your warranty. Your manufacturer might renew or extend your warranty if it recalls your vehicle. However, this depends on the issues that need to be addressed. Ensure you confirm your warranty with your manufacturer when your car is recalled.

Doesn’t Affect the Resale Value

Car recalls have a positive impact on your vehicle’s resale value. Potential buyers would want to settle for a vehicle with a clean recall history. This is important to consider if you plan to resell your car.


Potential Delays and Inconvenience

Car recalls are a huge inconvenience, especially if you must leave your vehicle with the manufacturer for an extended period. It can even be worse if your car requires specific replacement parts. This might cause further delays in getting your car fixed.

Poor Communication from the Manufacturer

It’s frustrating when you have to call the manufacturer often, asking when your car will get fixed. Similarly, the manufacturer might fail to communicate effectively about cars needing recall. You might miss out on important upgrades or safety fixes that your car requires.

Potential for Additional Repairs

Car recalls might also reveal additional repairs that your vehicle requires. You may incur unwanted costs since your manufacturer doesn’t cover such costs.

Generally, car recalls are often done for a good reason. Car manufacturers have the best interest, and, unfortunately, you might be inconvenienced, especially if you use your car regularly. Remember that car recalls are designed to keep you safe regardless of the cons discussed.

Riding Safely: Essential Gear Every Motorcycle Enthusiast Should Own

For motorcycle enthusiasts, the thrill of riding is unmatched. But with this thrill comes the risk of injury or even death in case of an accident. This makes having the right safety gear more important than any other accessory a motorcycle enthusiast may own. Helmets, jackets, gloves, and boots are all crucial components that every rider should invest in for their own safety. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the features and benefits of each essential safety gear and why they are important for every motorcycle rider.


The helmet is the most important piece of gear any motorcycle rider should own. It protects the rider’s head in case of an accident and can prevent fatal injuries. Make sure to invest in a good quality helmet that fits correctly and meets safety standards. Full-face helmets offer the most protection, covering the entire face, including the chin and jawline. Open-face or half-face helmets protect the top of the head and forehead but leave the face exposed. When choosing a helmet, look for features like ventilation, impact-absorbing or cushioning material, and a face shield or visor for additional protection.


A motorcycle jacket not only adds to the rider’s looks but also offers protection from the wind, sun, and rain. It also protects the rider’s skin in case of a fall or accident. For maximum protection, invest in a jacket with armor inserts on the elbows, back, and shoulders. These inserts are designed to absorb impact and minimize the risk of injury. Jacket materials like leather, textile or mesh offer varying levels of protection and ventilation. Look for features like adjustable sleeves or cuffs, reflective strips, and waterproofing for added functionality.


Just like jackets, gloves protect the rider’s skin and offer better grip and control. In addition, gloves protect the hands in case of a fall or accident and can prevent injuries like road rash or broken bones. Invest in gloves that fit snugly and have padding or armor inserts on the palms and wrists. This protects the rider’s hands from impact and provides additional ventilation to avoid sweaty palms. Look for features like touch-screen functionality, adjustable closure, and reflective strips for added functionality.


Motorcycle boots protect the feet and ankles and offer better grip and control when riding. They protect the feet from impact and abrasion in case of a fall or accident. Invest in boots with sturdy soles that provide ample grip and traction both on and off the bike. Look for features like ankle armor, reinforced shanks, and waterproofing to provide added protection and comfort.

Reflective Gear:

Reflective gear is an often overlooked but essential gear that helps the rider remain visible in low light conditions. It includes jackets, vests, helmets, gloves, and boots with reflective strips or patches. This gear reflects light from headlights, streetlights, or any other source, making the rider visible from a distance. This can help prevent accidents and protect the rider from injury.

In conclusion, safety gear is an essential component for every motorcycle rider. Helmets, jackets, gloves, boots, and reflective gear should be considered as investment pieces that protect the rider from injury or death. Invest in quality gear that fits correctly and meets safety standards to ensure maximum protection. Remember, a good gear not only protects the rider but also adds to the overall riding experience by providing comfort, functionality, and style. Stay safe and enjoy the ride!

How to Get Started on Your First Motorcycle Adventure

If you’re a car enthusiast who’s looking to explore a new mode of transportation, then a motorcycle may be the perfect way for you to get started. With a motorcycle, you can experience the open road in a way that simply isn’t possible in a four-wheeled vehicle. But before you get started on your first motorcycle adventure, there are a few things you should know. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with some tips that will help you get started on the journey of a lifetime.

Choose the Right Motorcycle

The first step in getting started on your first motorcycle adventure is to choose the right motorcycle. There are many different types of motorcycles available, and each one has its own unique style and characteristics. Some of the most popular types include cruisers, sportbikes, and touring bikes. Consider your riding style and what type of roads you’ll be traveling on when choosing your motorcycle.

Get the Right Gear

Once you have your motorcycle, it’s important to get the right gear. This includes a helmet, gloves, jacket, and boots. Not only will these pieces of gear protect you in case of an accident, but they’ll also make your ride more comfortable. Make sure to invest in high-quality gear that’s designed specifically for motorcycle riders.

Practice Your Riding Skills

Before you head out on your first motorcycle adventure, you’ll need to practice your riding skills. Find a safe, open area where you can practice turning, stopping, and accelerating. This will help you feel more comfortable on your motorcycle and make your ride more enjoyable.

Plan Your Route

Once you’re ready to hit the road, it’s important to have a plan. Plan your route ahead of time, and make sure to include plenty of stops along the way. This will allow you to take breaks, enjoy the scenery, and explore new areas.

Ride with a Buddy

Finally, consider riding with a buddy on your first motorcycle adventure. Riding with a friend can make the experience more enjoyable, and it’s always good to have someone to help you in case of an emergency.

Getting started on your first motorcycle adventure can be both exhilarating and intimidating. However, with the right preparation and gear, you can embark on the journey of a lifetime with confidence. Remember to choose the right motorcycle, invest in high-quality gear, practice your riding skills, plan your route, and ride with a buddy. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to experiencing the freedom and excitement of the open road on a motorcycle.

What Are the Benefits of Owning a Motorcycle?

Are you considering buying a motorcycle but not sure if it’s the right choice for you? Or, are you already a motorcycle enthusiast looking to reaffirm your love for the two-wheeled machine? Either way, this blog post is for you. In this article, we’ll explore the many benefits of owning a motorcycle, from the thrill of the ride to the cost savings over time. So, whether you’re a seasoned rider or a curious beginner, read on to discover why owning a motorcycle is a decision you won’t regret.

Financial Benefits of Owning a Motorcycle

One the most significant benefits of owning a motorcycle is the financial savings it can provide. First, motorcycles are generally cheaper to purchase than cars, which means you can save money upfront. Additionally, motorcycles are much more fuel-efficient than cars, meaning you’ll spend less money on gas in the long run. Finally, motorcycles typically require less maintenance than cars, which can add up to significant cost savings over time. All in all, owning a motorcycle can be an excellent way to save money while still enjoying the freedom of the open road.

Greater Sense of Freedom and Adventure

Another compelling reason to own a motorcycle is the sense of freedom and adventure it provides. When you’re on a motorcycle, you’re not just driving a vehicle; you’re experiencing the world around you in an entirely different way. The feeling of wind in your hair and sun on your face as you cruise down the highway is unparalleled.

Additionally, motorcycles can take you places that cars simply can’t, allowing you to explore new locations and discover hidden gems that you may have missed otherwise. Whether you’re taking a leisurely ride through the countryside or embarking on an epic road trip, owning a motorcycle will undoubtedly give you a greater sense of freedom and adventure in your life.

Increased Mobility and Flexibility

Owning a motorcycle can also provide you with increased mobility and flexibility. Motorcycles are smaller and more maneuverable than cars, which means that you can easily navigate through traffic and reach destinations that may be difficult to access with a car. This can be especially beneficial for those who live in urban areas with heavy traffic and limited parking. Also, motorcycles take up less space than cars, which means that you can often find parking in areas where cars would be forced to park further away. This increased mobility and flexibility can allow you to get around more easily and efficiently, saving you time and hassle in the process.

Improved Mental Health and Stress Relief

Owning a motorcycle can also have a positive impact on your mental health. Many people find that riding a motorcycle is an excellent way to reduce stress and anxiety and improve overall well-being. The feeling of freedom and adventure that comes with riding can be incredibly therapeutic, allowing you to escape the stresses of everyday life and focus on the present moment.

Studies have shown that the physical act of riding can release endorphins, which can provide a natural mood boost. Whether you’re taking a short ride after work or embarking on a longer journey, owning a motorcycle can help you clear your mind, reduce stress, and achieve a greater sense of mental clarity.

Easier Maintenance Than Other Vehicles

Motorcycles are generally easier to maintain than other vehicles, such as cars. Due to their simpler design and smaller size, many routine maintenance tasks can be performed quite easily by the owner themselves, without the need for professional assistance. For example, oil changes and tire replacements can often be done by the owner with a few basic tools. Additionally, motorcycles generally have fewer parts than cars, which means that they are less prone to mechanical issues and breakdowns. With regular maintenance and care, a well-maintained motorcycle can last for many years, providing reliable transportation and a source of enjoyment for the owner.

Unique Style and Design Options for Customization

One of the most appealing aspects of owning a motorcycle is the ability to customize it to your own unique style and preferences. Motorcycles come in a wide variety of styles and designs, from classic cruisers to sporty racing bikes. This means that you can choose a motorcycle that reflects your own personality and taste. Because motorcycles cost less from the start people are more likely to customize them, as customizing often voids a warrantee. Of course, the indipendent nature of motorcycle owners probably contributes.

For whatever reason, the long history of customization means the motorcycle market offer a wide range of aftermarket customization options, from custom paint jobs and exhaust systems to unique seats and handlebars. Whether you prefer a classic look or a more modern aesthetic, there are countless ways to make your motorcycle truly your own. With so many options for personalization, owning a motorcycle can be an excellent way to express yourself and stand out from the crowd.

Social Connections with Other Riders

Owning a motorcycle can also provide opportunities to connect with other riders and build meaningful social connections. Motorcyclists often form tight-knit communities, sharing a passion for the open road and the thrill of riding. Joining a local motorcycle club or attending group rides can be an excellent way to meet like-minded individuals and forge new friendships. Motorcycle events and rallies offer opportunities to connect with riders from all over the world, allowing you to share stories, learn new skills, and make memories that will last a lifetime. The sense of camaraderie and community that comes with owning a motorcycle can be incredibly rewarding, providing a sense of belonging and support that can enhance your overall quality of life.

Of course most people who have been riding for a while probably could tell you even more reasons why its great to ride a motorcycle. If you have been a bike rider for a while let us know what we forgot in the comment section.

PS Our sponsor does mobile car inspection for Motorcycles like they do cars.

Typical Types of Motorbikes

According to Bike Social (sposored by Bennets Insurance) these are the types of motorcycle you’re likely to see. (In alphabetical order because it’s from our UK desk after all.) Motorcycles are most eaily distiguined by the power of their engines, however, like cars they are often built to a purpose. The suspension, handlebar position, sound output, mirror style, and ammenities join engine size in what makes a bike part of one type or another. Of course their body style varies greatly which makes them look approriate to their designated purpose.


Tell-tale signs: Towering seat height, beak, rider wearing textiles

Lesst we succumb to the temptation to divide bikes into “road bikes” and “dirt bikes,” let’s start with the adventure type of bike. As the name indicates the appearance of this bike is meant to suggest that it can drive from ocean to mountain without regard to the roads. In reality, this is the bike equivolant of most midsized pickups and SUV’s which you see driven around the cities of America. If you take it off road you will typically find the height and weight to be a problem. If you drive it around town you’ll enjoy the high seat and comfortable suspension. This really is a road bike styled to look a little more rugged.

Have people taken bikes on real adventures? YES! 1912 to 1913, Carl Stearns Clancy undertook the most perilous motorcyle journey ever attempted. Inspired by this, actor Ewan McGregor and his friend Charley Boorman began replicating his feat. You are looking for a set of documentaries starring the above men, entitled “The Long Way Round.” This is a must see for bike fans, and lovers of adventure alike.


Telltale signs: No fairing, lots of chrome, rider carrying spanners 

In the motorcycle world anything older than the 1980s is a classic, though any given bike is up for debate.

Subsets exist:
veteran motorcycle is one made before 1915
vintage bikes are anything pre-1975
But hey, if it looks like a classic it probably is, right?

What muddies the waters is that 1980 to 1995 saw a batch of classic styled replicas and homoages to when bikes had more style. So there are bikes like the 1992 Honda Fireblade that is sometimes called a modern classic. Make sense?


Tell-tale signs: Low seat, dazzling chrome, rider wearing open face helmet

While harley Davidson is most known for their choppers, discussed next under custom, the current line of Harley is better described as a Cruiser. One of the biggest pains about drving a bike is taking it a long distance on theh open road. Sure it’s a romantic notion, but try it with a set of “ape hangers” for handle bars and you’ll start thinking about how the bike could be designed a bit more comfortable.

Cruisers are long and low, typically with a twin cylandar engine turned to fit more easily between the riders legs. They are plenty powerful but performance is not their primary design feature.


Telltale signs: Looks unique, lots of machined parts, rider glowing with pride

If you changed the look of your bike its a custom bike, however, it’s traditional to make a chopper style bike. A chopper has kicked out front forks and virutally no rear suspension. Classic choppers have high handle bars to complete the look. The result is that the rider must lean a lot to complete a turn or the bike could jackknife.

There are celebrated custom bike makers who often build parts of the bike by hand before installing their engine of choice. The tradition of customizing choppers can be tied to the fact that traditionally, a factory-built Harley chopper required a peice of cardboard under it to catch the oil dripping from it. (It was poorely made!) This caused buyers to bring their new purchase home and immediately rebuild it with their own signature touches. But lets be honest you buy a Harely Choppr for the look and the sound.

If you want to see some rolling works of art, check out OC Choppers and Monster Garage. Are there types of custom that don’t look like Choppers? Yep:
If it look like dirt track racer its called a Tracker.
If it looks like a 1950s sports bike its a Cafe Racers
If its cut down to almost nothing its called a Bobber
High bars and no fairings on a sportsbike are called street fighters

Dual sport

Telltale signs: No fairing, plastered in mud, rider wearing goggles

You might be thinking, doesn’t someone make a bike that does everything? Sort of. A dual sport will get you to work and back and let you hit the local trails too. It’s not going to feel great on a long trip to Vegas but it could be a practical choice. While adventure bikes are an unsuccesful attempt to make a street bike that can go off-road, dual sport is 90% off-road with street legal tire, and a licence plate. (Okay there are some other adaptations depending on the city laws.) The most obvious distinction is the weight These are a very light bike and if you didn’t change the tires you will lose traction cornering in the rain.


Tell-tale signs: No fairing, exposed engine, rider wearing jeans and jacket

Chances are if you are a beginner your first bike will be a naked bike. Average weight and if you’re smart, medium power. The lack of fairings makes them lighter and cheaper. You sit upright so don’t try to drive it across Canada or anything, but this is a nice looking, un complicated bike that visually suggests a classic sport bike with two wheel and engine under a rider.


Telltale signs: Titchy (50cc) engine, motorcycle looks, rider holding throttle to the stop

Technically, a moped is a motorcycle with pedals, but these days it’s used to refer to any bike with an engine smaller than 50cc. This is a favorite with teen agers in rural areas, or commuters in urban areas. The top speed of this bike will restrict waht roads you can travel, but its cheap to buy and cheap to fuel. If work is a little too far to walk and you aren’t on a bus route this could be a way to avoid expensive parking.


Telltale signs: Small wheels, footboards, rider in shirt sleeves

Scooters were practically invented by the Italians with their dominant seller the 1947 Vespa. A scooter if you are the one person on earth that hasn’t seen one, has small wheels, a floorboard for your feet and an automatic gearbox. They are typically, but not always underpowered which can make them tricky when trying to avoid car drivers that didn’t see you–a nonstop problem for motorcyclists.

It may shock the American audience but there was a time in the UK when Scooters were as associated with gangs of thugs as chopers were. The Mods dressed fasionably and road scooters, the Rockers (aka geezers) wore jeans, and leather jackets, and road Harleys. These two gangs would clash violently whenever they met. The best way for an American to distriguish the two is to associate the early Beatles with the Rockers and The Who with the Mods. Maybe that doesn’t clear it up.


Tell-tale signs: Full fairing, lots of Rs, rider wearing race leathers

Sports bikes (aka critch rocket) are some of the most popular types of motorcycles on the market. They’re designed for speed and agility, offering a unique combination of power and aerodynamics. Sports bikes allow riders to push their limits and experience an exciting ride in any environment. With powerful engines, sleek designs, and lightweight frames, sports bikes offer unparalleled performance that can be enjoyed by riders at all skill levels.

You can easily find a sports bike wrapped around a neighborhood tree or streetlight pole. Second only to choppers, there is a tradition among buyers of sportsbikes, of customizing their new bikes. This allows them to perform stunts and instantly violates the manufacturers warantees making the manufacturer not liable for the string of stupid things the rider will do within hours of acquiring their new bike.


Tell-tale signs: Vast fairing, vast luggage, rider and pillion wearing intercom 

Tourer motorbikes are designed for long-distance riding and comfort. They typically feature larger engines, plush seating, and ample storage space to make it easier to travel for extended periods of time. Tourers prioritize comfort with amenities such as heated grips and adjustable windscreens for reduced fatigue during rides. Tourers may also have features such as anti-lock brakes, traction control, and advanced suspension systems to ensure a smooth ride no matter the terrain or distance.


Telltale signs: No fairing, sky-high saddle, rider wearing a padded jumpsuit the Brittish call “lairy pyjamas”

Off-road bikes offer versatility and durability for tackling any terrain. They come equipped with knobby tires and high ground clearance to tackle tricky terrains such as mud, sand, and rocks with more ease than other types of motorcycles. Off-road bikes tend to have larger engines for added power on climbs, as well as lighter frames for greater agility and maneuverability. With rugged suspension systems, powerful brakes, and tough chassis designs, off-road bikes make sure you’re ready for any terrain.

If you want to see something crazy search the internet for “sessions riders.” Never mind we did it for you.

An Overview of Different Motorcycle Makes and Models

Motorcycles have been around for centuries, but they’ve become increasingly popular over the past few decades. There are now dozens of different makes and models available, each with their own unique features and benefits. In this blog post, we’ll provide an overview of some of the most popular motorcycle makes and models currently on the market. Check out our next post for an overview of the classes of motorcyle.

Honda Motorcycles

Honda has established itself as one of the most reliable motorcycle manufacturers in the world. Their motorcycles range from small scooters to full-blown touring bikes. Popular Honda models include the CBR600RR, CB500X and Rebel 500.

Kawasaki Motorcycles

Kawasaki motorcycles are renowned for their performance. The company offers a wide range of bikes from cruisers to sports bikes. Popular Kawasaki models include the Ninja 1000, Versys 650 and ZX10R SE ABS.

Harley-Davidson Motorcycles

Harley-Davidson is one of the oldest motorcycle manufacturers in America and is known for its classic style. The company offers cruiser-style touring, sporty V-twin engines and off-road motorcycles for adventure seekers. Popular Harley-Davidson models include the Street Glide Special, Fat Boy 114 and Iron 883.

Yamaha Motorcycles

Yamaha is another Japanese motorcycle manufacturer that offers a variety of bikes such as cruisers, touring bikes, streetfighters and dirtbikes. Popular Yamaha models include the YZF R1M, Bolt C Spec and FZ6R ABS.

These four companies offer a wide range of motorcycles to fit any budget or riding style. Whether you’re looking for something to take on long trips or just a fun weekend ride around town, there’s sure to be something perfect for you!

Car Makers Series: Sweden (9C) Rare

Here’s something you probably didn’t know about Swedish Car Companies, but may have gotten curios about as you read through the Swedish part of our Automakers Series:

The AB you keep seeing after all the official car company names stands for Aktiebolag (Swedish: Limited Company on shares). So it’s used like the US companies use Inc. or Co.

Today’s final installment in the Swedish chapter of our Auto Makers Series will focus on less common Swedish Makers, Caresto (2004–present), Esther (1987–present), Von Braun Holding Company (2014–present) though the last two don’t have wiki pages so it could be hard to get info.

I could also move Koenigsegg (1994–present) here as they’re a bespoke maker ??


Uniti is a Sweden-based electric car manufacturer that has achieved success over the past few years with their vehicles. Uniti was founded in 2015 by Lewis Horne and Sharad Sindh, with the mission to create an affordable, sustainable and efficient form of city transportation.

Since its founding, Uniti has grown in size and production capacity. They now employ some 200 people in offices around Europe and have manufacturing sites in Germany and Lithuania.

Prototype One

Uniti’s first vehicle, called “Prototype One” which was produced as a limited run of five vehicles in 2018. Their most popular model is the Uniti One, an all-electric four-seater hatchback that can reach up to 120 mph (193 km/h). The company’s most recent vehicle is the Uniti Life, an all-electric crossover SUV that seats six passengers and has dual motor power.

Each year Uniti produces thousands of cars, primarily sold within their biggest markets: the UK, France and Norway. As they continue to grow, they plan to expand this market further across Europe while also entering new markets such as Japan and China.

Founders, Horne and Sindh, have worked hard to bring together what they call “ecological expertise” to create a unique vision for electric cars that are not only efficient but also accessible for everyday drivers. With this goal in mind, Uniti has been successful at avoiding any major failures or pitfalls on their journey towards becoming a top electric vehicle company.


Founded in 1994 by Christian von Koenigsegg, Swedish car maker Koenigsegg has grown to become one of the world’s leading boutique hypercar manufacturers. Based in Ă„ngelholm, Sweden, their tiny size relative to other car companies – no more than 20 cars per year are produced – belies the impact that the company has had on the world of luxury automobiles.

The Koenigsegg CC prototype which became the basis for future models of the company.

Koenigsegg began making cars back in 2002 with their prototype model, the CC8S. This was followed by their first production car, the CCR, and subsequent models such as the CCX series, Agera RS, Regera and Jesko. Their most popular model is currently the Agera RS which features an innovative turbocharged 5.0-litre V8 engine and a top speed of over 257 mph (414 km/h). The most recent addition to their line-up is an even more advanced version of this vehicle, called the “Agera RSR”.

Koenigsegg manufactures its vehicles in facilities across Europe and Asia. Its biggest market is currently China where it has exclusive distribution agreements with several major dealerships. They have recently announced plans to expand into electric vehicle technology with testing set to begin in 2021.

Christian von Koenigsegg remains at the helm of Koenigsegg but he is quick to credit his team for their contribution towards its success over the years. Together they have created a special brand of highly innovative cars that have found fans around the world and pushed boundaries both technically and aesthetically.

Records Set

February 2005 Guinness Book of Records “fastest production car,” 241.009 mph on a circular track. Held until September 2005 when the Bugatti Veyron broke the record by attaining a speed of 253.81 mph.

The Agera RS World Record Car 

In 2008, sport auto conducted a 0–186–0 mph test for production cars, CCX winning the event in a total time of 29.2 seconds.

September 2011, the Agera R broke the Guinness World Record for 0–300 km/h with a time of 14.53 seconds.

November 2017, an Agera RS set a new record for the world’s fastest production car with an average speed of 277.87 mph.

September 2019, Koenigsegg set a new 0–400–0 km/h world record with a time of 31.49 seconds in their Regera.


Husqvarna was founded near the town of Huskvarna in Sweden in 1689. The company started out as a maker of muskets, and the Husqvarna logo still depicts a gun sight viewed from the end of the barrel. They are now a privately held company headquartered in Austria, best known for making motorcycles. However, the car story is interesting.

Of course, Husqvarna is known for manufacturing a wide variety of motorized products like chainsaws, snowmobiles, and even sewing machines. In the US, the company leverages the way the name sounds similar to the dog breed, Husky, with the slogan, “nothing runs like a Husky.” Most Americans assume Husqvarna is the Swedish word for Husky, which it is not.

The name actually roughly translates to mean “house of arms.” This reflects the company’s long history of producing high quality weapons, and then later on, vehicles. The name has been in use since 1689 when the company was first founded by its original founder, King Karl IX.

As a Car Maker

As a Swedish car maker they are famous for producing high performance cars and SUVs. Founded in 1689, Husqvarna is one of the oldest companies in the automotive industry and has been headquartered in Vällingby, Sweden since its inception. The company remains relatively small compared to other major car manufacturers, with a production capacity of just over 50,000 cars per year.

Volvo, XC 90 (2021) Made by Husqvarna

Despite their car division’s smaller size, Husqvarna has had a major impact on the world of automotive engineering. In fact, they are credited with popularizing the use of front-wheel drive vehicles as early as 1902! Over the years, they have produced several prototype and production vehicles including the P2 prototype (released in 1901), the V5 (their most popular model) and their most recent car, the X7 SUV.

The success of Husqvarna can be largely attributed to its founder Viktor Sennerfeldt who developed his first engine at age 17 – and it was this same engine that he used to power his automobiles throughout his life. Despite Sennerfeldt’s innovative designs and passion for engineering, economic pressures forced him to close down operations in 1937 due to increasing debts from suppliers.

Husqvarna Novolette moped

The company was revived in 1956 by Swedish industrialist Thor Johnson who saw potential in the brand. Johnson set about rebuilding the company and modernizing it to make use of new technology to produce superior vehicles. After much hard work and dedication, Husqvarna was relaunched with a range of cars that showcased their engineering expertise and set the tone for their future success.

Today, Husqvarna still stands strong as a brand synonymous with superior performance and style. As such, it continues to make waves in countries around the globe – especially in Europe where it has become one of the best-selling car manufacturers according to recent statistics. With plans for further expansion into North America as well as Asia Pacific over the next five years, there is no doubt that Husqvarna will remain one of the premier names in luxury vehicle manufacturing for years to come.

Best Vehicles

Husqvarna’s best selling vehicles are their luxury SUVs, specifically the XC 90. This model is known for its sleek design and powerful engine, as well as its impeccable safety ratings. The XC90 has consistently been praised by critics and customers alike for its reliability and performance. Additionally, the Swedish carmaker offers a range of other vehicles that have gained popularity over the years such as their performance cars, wagons, and SUVs.

Antoine Méo at the 2010 GP of Turkey

The company also produces motorcycles which have experienced increasing success in recent years. Husqvarna’s top motorcycle model is the Svartpilen 701. This powerful bike is powered by a 693 cc single-cylinder engine that delivers an agile ride and excellent acceleration. It also has modern features such as LED lighting, adjustable suspension and Brembo brakes. The Svartpilen 701 is renowned for its robust design, comfortable ride, and great handling. Additionally, it has earned accolades from critics for its good looks and performance.

Looking for the Right Motorbike

Ducati Panigale V4R

How do you find the top motorbike for you? Let’s look at Ducati, they have a range of bikes such as an off-roader called the Scrambler, a racing bike, otherwise known as the Panigale V4R and so on. Your motorbike purchase is dependent on where you wish to drive it and it’s a good idea to look at the specialist brand which you like.

How does the power compare?

When it comes to learner bikes, sports bikes or the off-road variety it can vary between 250 and 400cc. The more retro bikes have a better range – between 600 and 900cc. There are even bikes which have a massive 1000cc or more known as superbikes.

It’s no good investing in a superbike expecting to be able to ride it when you have little experience. A mid-range sports bike may seem dull, but it’s a good place to start.

To give you more details about these bike types…

A beginner bike has an engine size that isn’t too daunting and is also easy to repair.

Retro bikes seldom have items like windshields but also have more power, either two or three cylinders. You might possibly consider them all-rounders.

Cruiser Style Bike

The adventure style motorbike can handle everything from mud to gravel. Sports touring is a subdivision of these types of bikes.

The cruiser has a striking design with a large engine and huge handlebars. If you wish to see the US coast-to-coast then the cruiser is the way to go.

The superbike is more dependent on aerodynamics to keep it on the road. Though as said above it’s daunting, there are still superbikes with less than 1000cc which are still thrilling to drive.

New Types of Bike:

Honda MiniMoto

There are a number of new types which the general public might not immediately call motorbikes such as the supermoto, the minimoto and the electric motorbike. These may cause you some difficulty: the minimoto is not suitable for interstate roads for instance and electric motorbikes are difficult to recharge when far from home. But they have the plus point of being new and exciting.

Limited Editions:

Ariel Ace Iron Horse

The more expensive bikes tend to be limited editions, and many are only available unofficially.

There are lightweight versions such as Ariel Ace Iron Horse, thanks to its skeletal look. It may seem like a sportbike but it’s so much more.

Although older bikers remember Marlon Brando or James Dean these names aren’t going to cut it for the early twenties market. So, Harley-Davidson (the cruiser type referred to above) are going for unique names such as Neiman Marcus Limited Editions.


When it comes to maintenance motorcycle engines tend to be more specialized than car engines. In terms of repair with more select models you may be better off just buying a new bike. That’s the thing with niches though.

For example, the Ducati Panigale V4 is made of exotic material such as carbon fiber and weighs less than 200Kg. So you’re not running down to the parts store for a replacement to bolt in.

There’s a few bikes out there with carbon fiber such as the Suzuki AEM which is great at handling and is comfortable, but is it worth the price? It’s all down to you.

Inside the Motorbike Garage

For those who prefer the motorbike to the car what are options when it comes to improvement?

It depends on if you wish to restore the bike or start a new trend. With special parts and kits available including luggage racks, tool bags, fenders and crash bars amongst other items you can customize the bike for your needs.

Before customizing a new bike, be aware that it will violate the factory warranty. Most bike enthusiasts are more concerned with customizing than factory warranties, but it’s worth mentioning.

Possibly there is too much emphasis on restoring the bike to factory settings. Instead of completely restoring the bike, it may only need to look right. In this case you can give it more power and reliability.

Before taking your bike anywhere make sure the shop can deal with your specific make; some brands are obscure (there are more brands of motorcycle than automobile). Some dealers specialise in only one make, if you are looking to fix a rare Kawaski for instance it makes sense to go to someone who specializes in only that type of bike.

The aftermarket refers to the market for the repair or enhancement of a product. The improvements depend on whether you are dealing with a dirt bike or one more designed for the road. Frames may need to be modified, engines to be rebuilt. Does your bike require the latest top of the range wheels? It will certainly help it in its performance.

You may be looking at purchasing a hand-built motorbike from a specific factory rather than a more well-known make. The tricky area is that your hands will be tied if and when it breaks down, the person best qualified to fix it will be the original manufacturer.

If you are looking to do your own repair job on the motorbike it might help browsing picture sites such as Pinterest and Instagram to see what other people are doing, what works and what may be a mistake. This is particularly true of color choice. Most people like a black or strong color such as red, but if you see a cooler color you’d prefer out there, maybe you can give your bike a respray? You could also change the color of the seating or the frame, etc. You are hampered only by the size of the vehicle.

The motor trike is a recent invention, although considered as cool as a motorbike, many go up to a seventh gear and there are better luggage options than a regular bike. Other areas of improvement are better comfort and more seating – two seater and three seater varieties are available, also they have a more centralized light than a motorbike. Well-known brands, for example, Harley Davison have created versions of motor trikes and customization is possible.

Other items you can obtain from a motorbike shop include Davida bowl-shaped helmets, 60s and 70s helmets, motorbike gloves and transfers to individualize your particular runabout.

Whether you are on a motorbike or motortrike you will be more exposed than you would be in a car so be careful out there. But it’s all part of the attraction of being a biker.