Car Color Matters

When considering a new vehicle, we car guys (and gals) often consider key functionality.  Number of passengers, storage capacity, engine size and type, etc.  We do also choose color, but how much thought goes into that decision?

If you live in Arizona, for instance, a black or other deeply tinted color means that we will likely be running our air conditioners from about March through October.  We’ll have to be careful when opening the doors as the handles can reach ridiculous temperatures, and, unless we chose a light-colored interior, we’ll scald our hands on the steering wheel as well.  This is why most people in hot climates prefer lighter tones.

One must also consider their driving habits when choosing a color.  Bright, flashy colors like red, orange (okay, atomic tangerine), and bright yellow stand out and are easy targets for state troopers on the lookout to meet their citation quotas.  White, grey, and tan vehicles are much less often noticed and typically sail past a brightly colored version of the same car, idling by the road while the nice police officer writes them a $400 speeding ticket.

In some cases, insurance companies have been known to have differing rates based on the vehicle’s color.  While it is not generally a blatant question on a form, the vehicle’s color is identified by the manufacturer when it is receiving its VIN number.

So, whether you are buying a new or used vehicle, take a moment to consider the implications of the color options available.

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